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This page shows all aircraft I once logged and which I labeled as Bleriot XI. When a bigger picture is available, shown by , click the image.

-Bleriot XIc/n: History: replica
Spotted: Aviodome 20021227, EHLE Aviodrome 20060106, EHLE Aviodrome 20060830
Picture at: Aviodome 20021227
-Bleriot XI 3/4 replicac/n: Spotted: LIQS 20080724
Picture at: LIQS 20080724
-Blériot XIc/n: History: assembled from several original Blériots
Spotted: LFPB Museum 20100918
Picture at: LFPB Museum 20100918
-Blériot XI.2 Pégoudc/n: built 1913
Spotted: LFPB Dugny 20100918
Picture at: LFPB Dugny 20100918
  340Bleriot XIc/n: FF 1914
History: John Domenjoz,PRE Smithsonian
Spotted: Washington NASM 20140720
340 at Washington NASM 20140720 | Bleriot XI
Picture at: Washington NASM 20140720
-Bleriot XIc/n: Spotted: Hendon 19780905
D-EHCIBleriot XI, replicac/n: 001History: (1979)D-EHCI, (19930915) Hermeskeil (is ex (1992)D-EFTE,(1996)G-BWRH???)
Spotted: Hermeskeil 20020722
F-PERVBleriot XI, replicac/n: 1History: F-PERV,F-AZBA
Spotted: EHRD 19780603
Picture at: EHRD 19780603
686Bleriot XI.2 Pégoudc/n: 686built 1914
Spotted: LFPB Dugny 20100918
Picture at: LFPB Dugny 20100918
PH-BLEBleriot XI, replicac/n: NVAV-78History: PH-BLE
Spotted: EHLE 20020831, EHLE 20040904
Picture at: EHLE 20020831